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Projects and collaborations

We’re always keen to collaborate with partners who share our passion for putting art and culture at the heart of our lives.


We work with you to create cultural projects

Our joint initiatives encourage civic participation , and cultural and intergenerational transmission. It’s in this collaborative dynamic that the most innovative ideas and empathy are born.

If you’re a theater company, a national stage, a library, an association, a gallery, a theater, an educational or social structure that welcomes children, a festival, a collective or simply a person curious about art and creativity, let’s go together to plant seeds of creativity, joy and wonder in young, medium and old alike.

We work with you to structure and implement mediation initiatives tailored to different audiences, with a particular focus on people far removed from culture or in precarious situations, and in asocial economy approach we build a better world for all.



In November 2022, in the context of the participatory budgeting programme of the city of Dijon- France, and the Bourroches – Port du Canal – Valendons-Montagne Sainte-Anne neighbourhood working group, the city launched a call for projects to create a new mural in the Tarnier kindergarten.

The selected sketch, created by the artist Viviana Diaz, raises awareness of the threat of extinction of flora and fauna on the five continents.

This participatory project invited the kindergarten’s educational teams, as well as the families and neighbours of the area, to collaborate in the finalisation of the final sketch and to participate in artistic creation workshops. Subsequently, they were all able to get involved in the mural creation phase.

Compagnie en attendant

Since its beginnings in 2001, the theatre company en attendant…’ has opted for minimalist theatre, characterised by a few essential gestures and a few selected notes, where the stage is almost bare. ’

Over the years, the company has asserted its singularity by also focusing on early childhood, offering sensitive encounters through the experience of the world. Its projects question the place of books and stories in the construction of the individual.

Two years ago, a joyful encounter with Michel Liégeois led to an invitation to Viviana Díaz to collaborate in thinking, leading workshops and professional training courses run by the company. Together, they design and implement artistic initiatives to extend the sensitive experience of young audiences.

Adefo – Medical and social association

ADEFO is an association founded in 1952 with the aim of supporting families and nursing mothers in precarious situations in the priority neighbourhoods of Dijon. ADEFO welcomes, supports and helps people suffering from exclusion, insecurity, violence, breakdown or abandonment.

For several years, we have been working with ADEFO to structure an early childhood arts project that aims to support parents who need help to strengthen the links with their children or to support them in their socialisation and development. The project includes workshops for parents and children, workshops for nursery children, and ‘Art at home’ artistic experimentation workshops to create fun art kits and sensory games for families.

La Minoterie – Scène conventionnée art enfance et jeunesse

La Minoterie is performing art center for children

 We collaborate with La Minoterie on the conception and realization of artistic workshops related to performances, aiming to extend the immersive experience for the audience. We also work together in training early childhood professionals and in creating workshops and immersive art installations as part of the cultural agenda for children, young people, and their families

Day-care centers – Relais Petite Enfance

In 2019, the French Ministry of Culture launched the National Strategy for Cultural Health, aimed at promoting and perpetuating the Cultural and Artistic Awakening   of children from 0 to 3 years old and strengthening links with their parents (ECA-LEP). The concept of Cultural Health ‘arises from the meeting of the work of childhood and family professionals and artists working with early childhood children to nourish them sensorially and respond to their appetite’.  The report can be downloaded free of charge in French at:

in English:

From our organisation, we would like to contribute from our experience to this national initiative by setting up an early childhood arts programme designed according with the specific children’s fundamental needs .

We work on a one-off or weekly basis, for periods of 6 to 10 months, to support teaching teams, families and children. Our aim is to integrate the arts and children’s literature in the formulation of educational projects in kindergartens.

Libraries – Media libraries

Books are a common thread running through our mediation activities. Placing books at the center of toddlers’ lives, even before birth, can provide them with the keys to joyful, healthy development, creating memories that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Coming to the library to read, but also to create, play, touch and experiment, helps develop a different relationship with the book object and the place. This contributes to the development of engaged, critical and empathetic citizens, and curious future readers.

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Contact us to discuss and weave together a sensitive world for all

Would you like to organize workshops or training courses on your premises? Together, we’ll create the tools you need.

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